
Hello there!

I'm Azmina Ahamed, and I'm here to help women thrive as they embrace the next exciting phase of their lives. With a deep passion for guiding people to break free from past obligations and limiting beliefs, I am a : Theta Healing Instructor, Energy Healer, and Business Coach.

My journey began as a single mother of two, following a challenging divorce. It was in this uncertainty that I realized the power of self-discovery. I realized soon enough that the missing piece in changing my life is changing my beliefs. Today,Ā  I empower others to do the same. Through online programs and retreats, I teach the incredible healing potential of Theta Healing,Ā  and other wonderful Modalities such as Emotion Code and Body Code so you can unlock your true self and achieve remarkable growth. Let's embark on this journey together, and see the power of healing and the shift inĀ  paradigms it can offer in your personal growth, your family and friends and your business.




Hello there!

I'm Azmina Ahamed, and I'm here to help women thrive as they embrace the next exciting phase of their lives. With a deep passion for guiding people to break free from past obligations and limiting beliefs, I am a : Theta Healing Instructor, Energy Healer, and Business Coach.

My journey began as a single mother of two, following a challenging divorce. It was in this uncertainty that I realized the power of self-discovery. I realized soon enough that the missing piece in changing my life is changing my beliefs. Today,Ā  I empower others to do the same. Through online programs and retreats, I teach the incredible healing potential of Theta Healing,Ā  and other wonderful Modalities such as Emotion Code and Body Code so you can unlock your true self and achieve remarkable growth. Let's embark on this journey together, and see the power of healing and the shift inĀ  paradigms it can offer in your personal growth, your family and friends and your business.

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Is there something on your mind that is blocking you from seeing the progress you want in your life or business? Book a time with me and let's figure it out!

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